QGet for iPhone/iPod Touch now available !

  • First, sorry for speaking english, but I'm not speaking German :(

    QGet-Remote, the native iPhone/iPod Touch QGet client is now available ! :D

    iTunes link :

    Video review :

    QGet Remote is an iPhone native QGet client.
    Thanks to Qget Remote, you'll be able to add some download tasks on your QNAP server while you're away (on holidays, at work ...) and when you'll be back at home, the files will be available on your server !
    It will allow you to add any download task to your QNAP NAS server !

    Feature list :
    - Configure several servers and choose the one to connect to
    - Support standard and SSL connections
    - Show the list of download tasks running on the server
    - Sort the download tasks by status, name, progress or size
    - You can filter (search) in your download task
    - You can start/pause your download tasks, delete task or delete data
    - You can see details about the download task and configure options
    - You can enable/disable the server and configure it (max speed/max simultaneous download tasks ...)
    - Auto refresh feature
    - You can add a download task from URL (and can use a specific Folder/username/password)
    - You can use the embedded browser to browse to some files and tap on a download link to add a download task on your server
    - Compatible with socks and http proxy connections
    - Landscape mode
    - Nice iPhone look&feel with Pull to refresh feature
    - Support for iPhone 4's Retina Display

    It's really the application you need to fully use your QNAP device !

    Here are some screenshots :

    Here is the server list (yes you can set several servers)

    Here is the server details (what you can configure about your connection)

    Here is the downloads list (you can sort them by status/name/size/progress and tap them for some details and actions)

    You have a browser to add some download tasks

    I hope you'll enjoy it and please do some feature requests ;)

    PS : next version will bring bookmark support (for the embedded browser) :)

  • Zitat von "Spirit"


    nice Screenshots, is there a chance it will be for free like the QMobile-App? :)

    there is an even nicer video too ;)
    I don't think I'll set it free in a near future unless QNAP pay for this (which will not happen I guess).
    QMobile is free because it's done by QNAP (as they are making money on the hardware).
    As I spent a lot of my free time on this to get a nice software with a lot of features, so I hope to get a little money from it !
    Users feedback have always been veery positive until now, so you should not be disappointed ! And anyone can join me easily if he have a request/remark !
    I hope to count you as a customer soon ;)
    See you,

  • V1.2 is now available (free update of course ;))
    - Bookmark support in embedded browser (with possibility to change HomePage)
    - Hide finished downloads server option
    - fixed the bug about "add download" menu crashing on 3.x devices
    - Fixed a crash when too many tasks were changing their state between 2 refresh
    - French localization (more to come in next versions)
    - Improved link detection in browser
    - Show number of peers when seeding
    - Minor user interface changes