TS-212 sporadisch extrem langsam

  • Hallo zusammen,

    ich habe einen TS-212 sit ca. zwei Wochen, und seither erlebe ich an jedem 2. oder 3. Tag das Phänomen, dass die Datenübertragung extrem langsam ist...

    Meine bisherigen Beobachtungen:

    • Die Datenübertragungsrate sinkt auf ca. 500kB/m (ja, Minute, nicht Sekunde!).
    • Die Adminseite ist nicht mehr erreichbar; entweder läuft der Fortschrittsbalken auf der schwarzen Seite ewig, oder ich kann mich zwar anmelden, lande aber auf einer weissen Seite ohne jeden Inhalt.
    • Auch ein Reset hilft nicht, manchmal scheinen sich die Symptome nur leicht zu ändern (s.o.).
    • Am folgenden Tag ist nach dem Einschalten alles wieder in Ordnung.

    Die neueste Firmware 3.4.4 (0718T) habe ich drauf gemacht.

    An den "guten Tagen" läuft der TS-212 prima...

    Meine einfache Konfiguration:

    • DSL-Router (DHCP-Server)

      • WLAN-Router

        • iMac (LAN), MacOS 10.6.8 Snow Leopard
        • TS-212 (LAN)
        • Notebook (WLAN)
        • Drucker (WLAN)

    Hat einer eine Idee, woran das liegen könnte?



  • Hallo nochmals,

    ich habe die Firmware V.3.5.0 eingespielt, das Phänomen tritt aber weiterhin auf. Die Adminseite ist nicht erreichbar, der Download-Manager aber schon.

    Bin ich etwa der einzige, der auf dieses Problem gestossen ist?



  • Any QPKGs installed? Sound to me like it is low on memory. Either that or you've hit the imfamous issue that the system gets sluggish when the filesystem is allmost full and there are many, many small files on it.

    Double check though for hanging processes, consuming lots of cpu time. E.g. rpc.rquotad is one that sometimes gives issues.

  • Hi SL1000,

    Zitat von "SL1000"

    Any QPKGs installed? Sound to me like it is low on memory. Either that or you've hit the imfamous issue that the system gets sluggish when the filesystem is allmost full and there are many, many small files on it.

    Double check though for hanging processes, consuming lots of cpu time. E.g. rpc.rquotad is one that sometimes gives issues.

    I haven't installed any QPKGs, yet - this is something I'll only attempt when everything is working as it should. The file system can't be full since I got 2 x 2TB hdds and only 600GB of data stored there (however, I do have lots of small files). What really puzzles me is the fact that this happens only every 2 or 3 days; and now I've noticed that the admin page is actually rarely available, even when everything else is fine (i.e., I try to log on and only get the progress bar on the black page or an empty white page).

    Thanks for the hanging processes hint; I'll look into that as soon as possible.



  • once it gets slow again, login via ssh (enable it before it gets slow)
    and run the following commands:


    post the output of both here, and we should be able to solve it for you

  • Hello SL1000,

    here is the output of "free":

    total         used         free       shared      buffers  Mem:       255636       229312        26324            0         3096 Swap:       530040        86872       443168Total:       785676       316184       469492

    And here the output of "top":

    The system was a little sluggish when I managed to connect via ssh, but it wasn't as bad as 2 days ago. The admin webpage is almost unavailable (it took me 20 minutes of trial-and-error until I finally managed to log on), and now there is a further "phenomenon" concerning the entry webpage: all modules -even the ones that are not active- are now visible and the quick link list is empty (I recall reading somewhere that others are experiencing this too).

    Thanks for your help!


  • 1. seems like you are currently downloading something via the buildin download station, as it takes up 40% of the available cpu capacity. should it be doing that?
    2. i see some memory shortage, probably causing the system to swap. that will also slow things down. questions is what is responsible for the memory usage...

    Could you run top again, but after it started press "M" (Capital!) that will sort the processes by memory usage.
    post that again and i can analyze further what is using memory on the system.

    a 212 has a very limited amount of memory (to little imho), so it is always smart to disable every service you don't need. nfs, appletalk, itunes erver, twonky media streaming, etc.

  • Hi SL1000,

    the system is working fine today; I have disabled a couple of services (and will disable some more) and will observe the performance the next few days. If it gets sluggish again, I'll post a fresh top output, sorted by memory usage.

    At the moment 'top' shows:

    I'm indeed using the download station right now; I'll wait until the download is done and then observe the memory and cpu time load.

    Thanks again,


  • Hi,

    I deactivated all applications -including the download station- and most services, but the system is still sluggish:

    Deactivation of the download station appears to have only saved 2-3MB of memory.

    I tried copying some video files from the NAS to my Mac using scp. The copy process stalled on the first file and the transfer rate dropped to 5kB/s. This effect could be reproduced after rebooting the NAS.

    Any other ideas?


  • straight out of them, sorry. as i don't have mac i don't know the specific issues with them. i know 3.5.0 fixes a few issues with timemachine, and stuff, but it is not my general field of expertise, sorry

  • Hello SL1000,

    in the meanwhile I guess I have solved the problem(s).

    First, it began to get worse and even the smallest files could no longer be opened; so I did a hdd check and it appears that one of the brand-new hdds is defect... argh! So I replaced it. However, the performance problem remained, and data transfer rate remained extremly low (about 5kB/s). Then, I decided to turn everything off - not only the NAS, but also my WLAN router, and voilá! After rebooting the WLAN router the data transfer rate was again as I expected. Somehow, the NAS and my router are having communication problems. I got a new router on Friday and since then everything is working fine. :D

    Now I'll begin to restart the services and protocols I need and continue to observe performance. Hopefully, I won't bump into new problems any time soon...

    Thanks again for your help!
