different behaviour creating links in console command or script Winscp

  • Hi

    having nas 412 with newest Firmware 4.2.0

    I tested a simple command in Winscp:
    utf-8 is on

    mkdir testaäa in console as a simple command via winscp

    and in winscp console as script or as execute custom command : file test only one command: mkdir testaäa

    result is in WINSCP both times:
    a directory created as requested:

    but in windows with samba share (Windows 8.1)
    result is different:

    directory create with script looks like: 0VR6CY~7
    directory created with a single command in console : is corret as expected: testaäa

    anyone knows what I am doing wrong?

    By the way, in Putty I can not enter and ü????



    --- ModEdit ---


    I can not create an object in putty with special characters.
    entering a ü for example is resolved to exit?

    I can in winscp but not only in console (not in script or command mode) strange

    UTF-8 is on

    Having firmware 4.2.0 on TS-412


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von dr_mike () aus folgendem Grund: Mehrfach-Posts vermeiden, siehe Forenregeln! Beiträge zusammengefasst.