Favoritenicons auf SMB-Share fehlen (TS 209 PRO 2)

  • Hi,

    Ich versuche es hier auch nochmal - vielleicht hat ja hier jemand eine Idee, wie man das lösen kann.

    In Kurzform: wie erreiche ich, daß die Icons für meine bereits existierenden Favoriten wieder angezeigt/neu aufgebaut werden, wenn diese auf einem NTFS-Share (USB-Stick) auf dem QNAP liegen?

    Ideen sind willkommen.


    Here is a strange issue which can be found in a lot of discussion forums on the internet (not specifically relating to the QNAP though) - I haven't found a solution to this after quite some research.

    System: Windows 7 Home 64 Bit English SP1, IE 9 (all updates installed), QNAP TS 209 PRO 2 (latest firmware), LAN network with multiple machines, netbook and multimedia devices.

    Situation: I want to move my Internet Explorer favorites to my USB stick connected to my QNAP TS 209 PRO 2, so that they are available on all machines. To do that, you change the 2 Favorites registry settings under HKCU\Software\Windows\CurrentVersion...

    Works fine but...the favorites' icons won't show up, even if you revisit each favorite. When you copy the favorites from your standard location (c:\users\user\favorites) to the QNAP share (\\qnap\USBDisk2\favorites), it tells you it will lose some properties if you continue (as if you're copying to a FAT drive or something). The USB stick however, is formatted as NTFS drive while Windows apparently doesn't see this as a NTFS drive (as it is a network location).

    I tried quite a lot to copy the favorites over while avoiding the data loss - creating an archive on the disk, copying the archive to the share and extracting it on the share, using robocopy with various options (you'll get a permission denied error 5 then) and what not. Permissions on the target share can be ruled out, I have opened the permissions for everyone for a test.

    Asides of that, the "export favorites" feature in IE 9 (9.0.8112.16421) seems to be broken - when it is asking you for the root folder for the export, it shows an empty window where you can't select anything. That means exporting and reimporting is not an option here either unless I can fix that IE issue.

    When I add a new favorite, it will store the favorite's icon. That means, the problem is only relevant for the existing favorites, not for new ones you're creating from now on.


    - Does anyone know a solution for this? I didn't find a way to force Windows to "rewrite" the favorites or rebuild the icon cache (deleting the Temporary Internet Files etc. doesn't change anything). It is not really practical to regenerate 1000+ favorites in subfolders that I created in over a decade.

    - Is this a general problem or is this some weird QNAP behavior? What is it doing when you copy special windows files to a QNAP share? I have the impression that it is changing some file properties as you copy the files which would also explain the permission errors using the robocopy command.

    - Would NFS be an option (?) and what clients would you require for Windows 7 Home? I know the Home Edition does not have any built-in NFS functionality.

    Any ideas left or am I ready to bury my head in the sand? A lot of work for some icons...

  • Ich habe die Lösung mittlerweile selbst gefunden:

    Hi again,

    Now that I saw your post, I did some more research and found the SOLUTION! You can reload/rewrite all your favicons using this neat free tool:


    It works like a charm and all favicons are now up-to-date. It is not even necessary to search the registry or anything.

    Fixed/resolved! :D