Neue App verfügbar - GrayLog

New Qpkg in Qnapclub Store: GrayLog
Open Source. Enterprise Scale and Support.

admin / qnap (default credential)
config file : /opt/GrayLog/graylog/etc/graylog/server/server.conf (to adapt on your need)

Parse and enrich logs, wire data, and event data from any data source. Graylog also provides centralized configuration management for 3rd party collectors such as beats, fluentd and nxlog. The processing pipelines allow for greater flexibility in routing, blacklisting, modifying and enriching messages in real-time as they enter Graylog.

Search through terabytes of log data to discover and analyze important information. Use the powerful search syntax to find exactly what you are looking for. Save search queries to share.

Ideas: Find application errors across all servers with a single query. Investigate the activity of a suspicious user ID in the last hour. Discover the single misconfigured firewall in your network.

Create dashboards to visualize metrics and observe trends in one central location. Use field statistics, quick values, and charts from the search results page to dive in for deeper analysis of your data. The simple user interface enables team members to easily access the wealth of information and add new charts.

Ideas: Find all IP addresses that were blocked by a specific firewall. Get the average response time of your application components. Discover users with the most failed logins within the last 24 hours.

Trigger actions or get notified when something needs attention, such as failed login attempts, exceptions or performance degradation.

Ideas: Send an email or Slack message to your team. Spawn a new machine to balance the processing load. Block IP ranges in your firewalls automatically when an attack is detected.

Extend the functionality of Graylog. With compliance in mind, track and record all user changes in the database with the audit log feature. Save cost by automatically archiving log data to storage and re-import when you need it. Comes with Enterprise grade support.
Models: TS-NASX86 64bits


Über den Autor

Leidenschaftlicher technikbegeisterter NAS Nutzer und Gründer des deutschen QNAPclub Forums seit 2008.

christian Administrator