Neue App verfügbar - Fritzctl

New Qpkg in Qnapclub Store: Fritzctl
A lightweight, easy to use console client for the AVM FRITZ!Box Home Automation.

fritzctl is a command line client for the AVM FRITZ!Box primarily focused on the AVM Home Automation HTTP Interface.
It should work out-of-the-box with most FRITZ!Boxes running a recent FRITZ!OS version. It has been explicitly tested with

[ QPKG integration ]

fritzctl command line added to NAS $ PATH

[~] # fritzctl
fritzctl is a command line client for the AVM FRITZ!Box primarily focused on the AVM Home Automation HTTP Interface. For recent developments and releases visit For the vendor description visit…en/AHA-HTTP-Interface.pdf.

fritzctl [command]

Available Commands:
about About fritzctl
boxinfo Display information about the FRITZ!Box
certificate See subcommands
completion See subcommands
configure Configure fritzctl
doc See subcommands
help Help about any command
list See subcommands
manifest See subcommands
ping Check if the FRITZ!Box responds
sessionid Obtain a session ID
switch See subcommands
temperature Set the temperature of HKR devices/groups or turn them on/off
toggle Toggle on/off state of device(s) or group(s) of devices
version Print version of this application

-h, --help help for fritzctl
--loglevel string logging verbosity (default "info")

Use "fritzctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Models: TS-X28A,TS-ARM-X19,TS-X31,TS-NASX86,TS-X41,TS-NASX86 64bits


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