Neue App verfügbar - Poddr

New Qpkg in Qnapclub Store: Poddr
Podcast client

iTunes podcast library
Poddr uses iTunes search API and RSS feeds to gather information. Since iTunes hosts the largest podcast library in the world this means you will most likely find something of interest no matter if you want music, politics or comedy.


Media keys support
Full media key support means that you can interact with Poddr even when it's in the background without having to switch windows. You can Play/Pause/Forward/Rewind your podcast with a simple press of a button.


Elegant and customizable UI
Poddr focuses on a dark and simple UI that is easy to navigate around. If you for some reason don't enjoy orange as much as I do you can choose your own accent color in the settings with ease


No login required
Poddr needs no login! Your library of podcasts is stored locally on your own computer. Poddr collects no information from our users so you don't have to worry about your privacy.


HTML5 Audio
Poddr uses HTML5 Audio API to play and interact with podcasts.


Poddr is a sideproject that I update as much as possible, this usually means there will be an update every 2 months or so. Poddr is FOSS but donations are welcome! Thoughts, ideas and feedback are welcome, just leave an issue in the repository.
Models: TS-NASX86 64bits


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