Neue App verfügbar - AcoustID Chromaprint CLI

New Qpkg in Qnapclub Store: AcoustID Chromaprint CLI
A client-side library that implements a custom algorithm for extracting fingerprints from any audio source

fpcalc command line added to NAS $PATH

fpcalc --help
Usage: fpcalc [OPTIONS] FILE [FILE...]

Generate fingerprints from audio files/streams.

-format NAME Set the input format name
-rate NUM Set the sample rate of the input audio
-channels NUM Set the number of channels in the input audio
-length SECS Restrict the duration of the processed input audio (default 120)
-chunk SECS Split the input audio into chunks of this duration
-algorithm NUM Set the algorigthm method (default 2)
-overlap Overlap the chunks slightly to make sure audio on the edges is fingerprinted
-ts Output UNIX timestamps for chunked results, useful when fingerprinting real-time audio stream
-raw Output fingerprints in the uncompressed format
-json Print the output in JSON format
-text Print the output in text format
-plain Print the just the fingerprint in text format
-version Print version information
Models: TS-NASX86,TS-NASX86 64bits,TS-X31,TS-X41


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