Neue App verfügbar - Gotify

New Qpkg in Qnapclub Store: Gotify
A REST-API for sending and receiving messages in real-time per web socket.

<img src="" alt="gotify" class="img-responsive">

a simple server for sending and receiving messages (in real time per web socket).
For this, not many open source projects existed and most of the existing ones were abandoned.
Also, a requirement was that it can be self-hosted. We know there are many free and commercial push services out there.


sending messages
receiving messages per websocket
user management
client/device &amp; application management
REST-API Documentation (also available at /docs)

<b>QPKG integration</b>

listen by default on 12680
config.yml file inside /opt/Gotify (if any modification needed)
user : admin pass : admin (default)
Models: TS-X31,TS-NASX86 64bits,TS-X28A,TS-X41


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