Neue App verfügbar - PCloud Drive

New Qpkg in Qnapclub Store: PCloud Drive
<img src="" alt="PCloud">

to register :

<b><i>Pcloud proposed an affordable Cloud Storage solution, with 20Gb for free</i></b>

Mount your PCloud Cloud Storage inside a NAS Share, over SSL

it create automatically a share called PCloud connected to your PCloud Account
the mount.pfs is also available within the NAS $PATH if you need to set another Drive later, or build your own script with

the PcloudDrive is accessible within SSH, SMB, ... may be other but all tested

<b><u>How set up to mount automatically on NAS boot up or qpkg start : </u></b>

edit /opt/PFS/ and fillup the section with your credential account information and restart qpkg

########### CHANGE here your credential ##############
export PASSWORD=test

<b><u>Why it is not working with Hybrid Backup Sync :</u></b>

Hybrid Backup Sync may have some restriction with fuse environment, for other obvious reason that only Qnap R&amp;D know
but I tested with a command :

rsync -rtv /source /mnt/pcloud and it works seamlessly

<b><u>Why the share is not display in FileStation :</u></b>

because the mount point is not set in user space (Volume) but in /mnt/pcloud ... this is to avoid any problem in case snapshot are set on NAS... i didnt tested in a snapshot volume configuration

other restriction : smb share cannot be edited (because not set in user space), by default only admin has access (not tested with others user acl set)
Models: TS-NASX86 64bits,TS-X28A,TS-X41


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