Neue App verfügbar - Cuberite

New Qpkg in Qnapclub Store: Cuberite
A lightweight, fast and extensible Game Server for Minecraft

all files are inside /opt/Cuberite
by default login : admin pass : qnap and listen on port 23333 ( can be modified inside /opt/Cubernite/Webadmin.ini )

Plugins non included

Cuberite is a Free and Open Source (FOSS) Minecraft-compatible game server. Cuberite is designed with performance, configurability, and extensibility in mind, and also aims to accurately recreate most Minecraft features. The server is written in C++, and there is an extensive plugin system that allows for the user to write their own plugins with Lua.

Cuberite was created in late 2010 by FakeTruth with its original name "MCServer", as a replacement for the vanilla Minecraft server. It was soon open-sourced and developers started contributing. Today, Cuberite is maintained by a large team of contributors and plugin developers.
Models: TS-NASX86 64bits,TS-X41,TS-X28A


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