Neue App verfügbar - Teleport

New Qpkg in Qnapclub Store: Teleport
Gravitational Teleport is a modern SSH server for remotely accessing clusters of Linux servers via SSH or HTTPS

It is intended to be used instead of sshd for organizations who need:

SSH audit with session recording/replay.
Easily manage SSH trust between teams, organizations and data centers.
SSH into behind-firewall clusters without any open ports.
Role-based access control (RBAC) for SSH protocol.
In addition to its hallmark features, Teleport is interesting for smaller teams because it facilitates easy adoption of the best SSH practices like:

No need to distribute keys: Teleport uses certificate-based access with automatic certificate expiration time.
2nd factor authentication (2FA) for SSH.
Collaboratively troubleshoot issues through session sharing.
Single sign-on (SSO) for SSH and your organization identities via OpenID Connect or SAML with endpoints like Okta or Active Directory.
Cluster introspection: every SSH node and its status can be queried via CLI and Web UI.

teleport / tctl / tsh commands are added to nas $PATH on qpkg start
Models: TS-X41,TS-NASX86 64bits


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