Neue App verfügbar - QMaven

New Qpkg in Qnapclub Store: QMaven
QMaven is a QPKG wrapper around Apache Maven. The current version requires any of QJDK7 to QJDK10 (also available via QNAPClub). The JRE package available via official QNAP Store is NOT compatible with Maven so it isn't supported, but it is at least tolerated if installed. This package is highly automatic and configurable, and offers some great features! For more information, please read through my GitHub page (open the "Tutorial" link above). Finally, if you like the work being done here, please consider staring the project on GitHub or donating via QNAP Club :).
Models: TS-269H,TS-ARM-X09,TS-ARM-X19,TS-NASARM,TS-NASX86,TS-NASX86 64bits,TS-X28,TS-X28A,TS-X31,TS-X31U,TS-X41


Über den Autor

Leidenschaftlicher technikbegeisterter NAS Nutzer und Gründer des deutschen QNAPclub Forums seit 2008.

christian Administrator