HBS 3 Hybrid Backup Sync

  • HBS 3 starts to sync given folders (copy job, mirror), then retries already transferred files multiple times. In Google Drive these files will show up multiple times afterwards.


    The files shown are now transferred about the seventh time now. Without advancing to other files.


    As you can see, google received the files multiple times. This does not count to storage, because google notices these files are duplicates and makes them hardlinks, but it hurts because these files are uploaded and this take bandwidth.

    I could not find any log about these recurring transfers. It is unclear if these are because there were errors transferring or HBS3 thinks these weren't transfered or whatever.

    Seeing this error again since the latest upgrade to It might take up to 10 hours to transfer 20 files, each sized 2MiB. Doing the same with a browser or rclone is done within 20 minutes.