vSphere 6.5 nested ( mode CPUID power on failed)

  • Excuses, I understand the german language but I can't write it.

    I want to use my Qnap Virtualization Station for a vSphere lab. My VM's are several vSphere ESXi servers that contain virtual windows machines.
    When I want to install these windows virtual machines in my vsphere ESXi environmnet I got the error: Mode CPUID power on failed.

    - I've checked the VT bit in the BIOS of the QNAP and it is on.
    - I'm running on the QNAP firmware 4.2.3
    - I''ve imported (OVF) a working vSphere 6,5 ESXi host from VMware workstation lab environment and I got the same error.

    I'm out of suggestions now, take a beer and hope that someone has a suggestion..

  • Do i understand that you want to import a vsphere Host which runs windows guest in to a VS host?
    Virtualisation Station Host - vsphere Host - Win Guest?

  • Thanks for the answer. I've posted it on the German Qnap forum because it is a large forum. As I said I'm also used to read german tekst.
    Yes, that is what I want. Now i have such a configutation with: VMware workstation- vsphere host -Win guest on my laptop. Now I want to use my Qnap for that, which supports 64GB of memory.

  • Ich versuche es auf Deutsch ;)

    Ich verstehe nicht den Sinn.
    Warum nehme ich einen Host in einen anderen Host.
    Warum nimmst du nicht direkt die Win Clients in den Virtualization Station Host.
    Warum der Umweg über vsphere ?

  • Lett me explain. :)
    At this moment I'm testing replication sofware from Veeam. This is replication software is used for datacenters.
    For the test a need two vsphere cluster's. Every cluster consist off two vSphere ESX hosts with windows clients that I can move between the clusters.

    In the past I used my laptop with vmware workstation for the tests. This laptop doen's have enough memory (32Gb is max) so I want to switch to QNAP.

  • Hi All,

    I have a TVS-682 with QTS and VS 3.0.2836

    I have followed this guideline:

    from "santiagax99," please refer to his entry at Sun Jul 23, 2017 9:30 pm "For VS3:"

    I have installed VMware ESXI 6.5 in Virtualisation station, and have now running a 64bit Unix Image
    (which was not able to start before, due to CPUID power on failed)

    Many thanks

  • You mean that you have running a complete ESXI Server on a QNAP NAS?
    Hmm, that means it must be possible to run a macOS VM on it, after patching ESXI. I have to look if I have time for this...