Sparkle Share on a TS-410

  • I want to keep a folder synced on several computers. First i started with OwnCloud.
    There is a good howto to setup OwnCloud an a Qnap device here:
    On my TS-410 the sync of a big folder was VERY slow, because it is PHP based and this generates a big CPU load an the
    slow ARM device.
    Therfore i tried SparkleShare which was fast compared to my OwnCloud test.
    Here is the way i installed it:
    Prepare the Client:
    Download the SparkleShare client software from and install it.
    After installation there is a "users link code.txt" in your SparkleShare which you copy to the NAS (to /share/Public in my example).

    To setup the Qnap device as Server you need to install Git and configure a ssh keybased login.
    The default ssh server only allows the user admin to login via ssh. This was good enough for me,
    if you want to have SparkleShare for individual users install OpenSSh(…e_SSH_Daemon_With_OpenSSH)

    Connect to your device via ssh

    ssh admin@YOUR_NAS

    Then type

    ipkg install git

    to install git. (It is necessary that the QPKG Optware is installed to run this command)
    For the key-less login the Link Code in the Sparkle share folder has to be added to the authorized_keys file of
    the login user. (admin aka root)

    cat /share/Public/users link code.txt >> /root/.ssh/authorized_keys

    Then generate a share where the data should be located (in my example: /share/Git)
    Repositories can be generated with from the sparkleshare homepage.
    Because of the restricted options of the NAS i stripped down the script to the necessary basics.
    Copy the script to the NAS, with

    dazzle create RepositoryName

    you can generate a repository on the server.

    Now you should be able to connect to the NAS with your SparkleShare PC client.
    The keys are stored on my NAS even if i reboot.

  • Zitat von "uenz"
    #save me as
    #!/usr/bin/env bash

    I have a TS-469L and I can't find the folder env, so I'am hanging on the script to create a Repository. Can someone help me?

  • wenn ich eine Lösung finde wie ich Sparkleshare auf meiner Qnap ans laufen bringe, bin ich gern gewillt eine deutsche Anleitung hier einzustellen. Im englischen Forum ist leider nichts zu finden, hier war der erste brauchbare ansatz dazu.